You can define prompt_callback function to tweak your prompt dynamically. The current git repo information is obtained by the script gitstatus.sh. You can also override the startĪnd end of the prompt by setting GIT_PROMPT_START and GIT_PROMPT_END git-prompt-colors.sh to tweak your prompt. GIT_PROMPT_END_USER and GIT_PROMPT_END_ROOT in your

You can use GIT_PROMPT_START_USER, GIT_PROMPT_START_ROOT, The defaults are the original files in the

Both of these files may be overridden by copying The colors used for various git status are defined in The default colors are defined within prompt-colors.sh, which is sourced by You can define GIT_PROMPT_START and GIT_PROMPT_END to tweak your prompt. git-prompt-colors.sh, please set GIT_PROMPT_THEME_NAME="Custom". Of the theme located in /themes without the extension. To select a theme, set the variable GIT_PROMPT_THEME to the name The most settings are now stored in theme files. Setting it to all will count all untracked files, including files The subdirectory structure of the git repository. This can be the case for build systems that put their build artifacts in You can set the GIT_PROMPT_SHOW_UNTRACKED_FILES variable to no or normal to speed things up if you have lots of # uncomment for custom prompt end sequence # as last entry source the gitprompt script # GIT_PROMPT_THEME=Custom # use custom theme specified in file GIT_PROMPT_THEME_FILE (default ~/.git-prompt-colors.sh) # GIT_PROMPT_THEME_FILE=~/.git-prompt-colors.sh # GIT_PROMPT_THEME=Solarized # use theme optimized for solarized color scheme source ~/.bash-git-prompt/gitprompt.sh # uncomment for custom prompt start sequence # GIT_PROMPT_END=. # GIT_PROMPT_FETCH_REMOTE_STATUS=0 # uncomment to avoid fetching remote status # GIT_PROMPT_IGNORE_SUBMODULES=1 # uncomment to avoid searching for changed files in submodules # GIT_PROMPT_WITH_VIRTUAL_ENV=0 # uncomment to avoid setting virtual environment infos for node/python/conda environments # GIT_PROMPT_SHOW_UPSTREAM=1 # uncomment to show upstream tracking branch # GIT_PROMPT_SHOW_UNTRACKED_FILES=normal # can be no, normal or all determines counting of untracked files # GIT_PROMPT_SHOW_CHANGED_FILES_COUNT=0 # uncomment to avoid printing the number of changed files # GIT_PROMPT_STATUS_COMMAND=gitstatus_pre-1.7.10.sh # uncomment to support Git older than 1.7.10 # GIT_PROMPT_START=. Now you can source the file in your ~/.bash_profile as follows: Latest version directly from the repository
#Git bash for mac sierra install
Run brew install bash-git-prompt for the last stable release or brew install -HEAD bash-git-prompt for the When the branch name starts with a colon :, it means it's actually a hash, not a branch (although it should be pretty clear, unless you name your branches like hashes :-) ↓m↑n: branches diverged, other by m commits, yours by n commits.Enable by setting GIT_PROMPT_SHOW_UPSTREAM=1.✚n: there are n changed but unstaged files.✖-n: there are n staged files waiting for removal.✖n: there are n files with merge conflicts.(:70c2952|✔): not on any branch parent commit has hash 70c2952 the repository is otherwise cleanīy default, the general appearance of the prompt is::.(experimental↓2↑3|✔): on branch experimental your branch has diverged by 3 commits, remote by 2 commits the repository is otherwise clean.(master|⚑2): on branch master, 2 stash entries.(master|✖2✚3): on branch master, 2 conflicts, 3 files changed.(master|✚7…): on branch master, 7 files changed, some files untracked.(master↑3|✚1): on branch master, ahead of remote by 3 commits, 1 file changed but not staged.Named _LAST_COMMAND_INDICATOR_, which is replaced by the state of the last executed command. The variable GIT_PROMPT_SHOW_LAST_COMMAND_INDICATOR was replaced with a more general placeholder The advantage of this approach is, that you only need to specify the parts, that are different to the Default theme. GIT_PROMPT_THEME_NAME= "Custom " # needed for reload optimization, should be unique # Place your overrides here